Well, I managed to leave my camera cable at home, so any updates with pictures will be missing from the blog till I get back on Saturday, but until then I can update with the sheer artistry of words, or similar sentiments. The town is lovely, the people friendly, and the atmosphere lively. I missed a great deal of the opening shebang due to the early slot for Bad House which has already garnered a crop of reviews in the Noises Off, the festival daily magazine, and has had more positive feedback from those who came to see it. The set which I had worried about coming together in quite the right way hit the right notes I feel for the venue, and has come under praise, so good news all round. What with Phaedra's love too, it was a mad dash to the finish line while I ran around town looking for pygmy light bulbs to put into some practicals on set. Much thanks to Grace, Ben and Amy, and the entire tech team for their know how, humour and expertise.
And Phaedra's love, which has already been gathering attention, helped partly by the fact that it has a 43 strong cast, and the inviting sign outside the front door of the venue: "Phaedra's Love contains strong language throughout, scenes of a violent nature, scenes of a sexual nature, and scenes of a violent sexual nature", which surely can't fail to attract, or repel, in the case of our one walker yesterday. On the whole, for our first two shows, the atmosphere has been, i mst say electric. The audience has laughed, gasped and retched at the action onstage, and the first drips of feedback are positive. When I go to get the Noises Off paper this morning, I will know for better. I hope to put up show pictures and set design pictures after the festival, as well as puppet pictures. The puppets have worked very well, and it is great for me to be operating onstage, which I am really enjoying. In the meantime, there aremany other great companies and visiting workshops here to indulge in, and all in all, the week seems to promise good things.
Hoping to update with more pictures and actual solid feedback in a day or two
Tuesday, 30 March 2010
Friday, 26 March 2010
Hello all, a very very brief note to let you know I am soon off to Scraborough, and hope toi update from there. The shows are looking great, the puppets are working well, and I hope to update with any reivews and general site reports from there. In the meantime, if you are on your way there, please come and support Bad House which is on Saturday and Sunday in the Holbeck Theatre, and Phaedra's Love, which is on Monday and Tuesday in the New Hall
thanks and I will update with more info soon
thanks and I will update with more info soon
Thursday, 11 March 2010
Dog 2 and set news
Well if the counter on the right is correct, there are at least one or two people regularly visiting to take a look here. (Hello if you're one of them. Why not leave a comment?) Meanwhile, I am preparing the set drawings and models for presentation for Phaedra's love and Bad House, but in the meantime I thought I'd write a quick blog about the dog. The head was formed pretty quickly, and I made the neck using some hoover pipe I found. However, the body became a problem. I discovered I wasn't able to find something appropriate to use in the local area's various skips, and realised i'd have to rethink it slightly. The problem is when I found the first piece of pipe it dictated it's own design, but was not the definitive design. Therefore, for the new, larger dog, I am using the same design structure, but am attempting to model it out of mesh this time which shouls be lighter, and easier to mould. It won't be as strong, so may require a wooden frame to bulk it out a bit. Fortunately, There is plenty of wood about. meanwhile, here is a progression of the dogs head from face up. His face was modelled first, and I have just finished papier mache, which really brings the item to life, seals in the design as it were. here are the current progress pics, and I will update on the next body stage, as well as set models and drawings. Oh and look out for the crafty use of milk carton corners for ears...
Monday, 8 March 2010
Reuse, Recycle, Repeat
Hello there, a quick update to let you know some news, I will be doing two new set designs for shows at scarborough this year, of which i hope to put up some production process photo's and will be building a new Dog puppet for Phaedra's Love, which I may be operating myself. I will again put up some pictures of the progress on that, but wanted to write quickly about my preference for using recylced materials. I am a self confessed hoarder, and I can scavenge a bit too, which is worrying for the amount of stuff I have, but handy for getting raw materials for building. The area in which I currently live is very good for things like this, as I can often go out and find what I need for nothing on my doorstep. I went out for a quick walk around the neighbourhood this morning, and found the wood, polystyrene and piping I need to get started on the new dog (see picture below). The only thing I am missing is a body, although i may end up creating a new on which will be lighter than the previous one, based on a wooden frame instead. I will update this over the nest week or so as I begin to build. Check back for new updates as we go on. I hope to continue to resue and use found materials in my scenery and props too.
Wednesday, 3 March 2010
Update on Projects...
Hello all, just a quick update to let you know about current projects. Apart from puppetry for Phaedra's Love, I will also be designing the set for Bad House, which will also be up at NSDF, and hope to record my process for the set on here for all to see too. Meanwhile, work is going on apace to get hold of a venue for London for another run of The View from Down Here alongside some exciting new projects we are working on at the moment so keep an eye open!
Monday, 1 March 2010
Dog and Vulture build 2, and Phaedra's Love for NSDF
Ravenrock's Phaedra's love was met with a fantastic response last week, and the excellent news is it has been selected for the National Student Drama Festival in Scarborough this year, so fantastic news all round, and hopefully an opportunity to meet others interested in similar ideas. Meanwhile here are some pictures that I am indebted to Nick Coupe for, thanks Nick.
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