See below for updates...
Hello there, this is a post to let you know two things: One, I shall be starting a new puppet build next week for a show in Leeds which I shall be putting the pictures up for in time, and excitingly, I shall be attending The Big Ideas conference event in Luton tomorrow which I'm really looking forward to, especially with the line up of visiting artists and speakers - War Horse, Pif Paf, Big Man Walking, The Lion King, Blind Summit, Rampage, and many more - plus talks and seminars there will be hands on workshops and networking events as well as the opportunity to play with some big puppets - all in all, I can't wait. I plan to take some pictures and to give a status report when i get back, so check that out - Until my next post, thanks for dropping by.
Update: I am returned from the conference, which was a hectic couple of days fuelld with great amounts of enthusiasm, and a lot of inspiration! Some great companies were attending, and I could go on for a long time about some of the workshops and events - I must say a huge well done to Linda Lewis and Emma Leishman of the Puppet Centre Trust who did sterling work all weekend, and for myself, I managed to meet some great people, see some great puppetry, and find out a lot of things which really informed and inspired me, so can't say fairer than that! I have some pictures which I will add below